Sunday, 9 October 2016

Navamani's Order

Navamani ordered a Mickey themed chocolate cake for her friend's birthday. They said the cake was very delicious and will definitely order from us again. Thank you!

Meng's Order

Meng ordered a Superheroes theme chocolate cake for her son's 10th birthday. Thank you Meng!

Geetha's Order

Geetha ordered an eggless red velvet with lemon cream cheese watch cake for her husband. She said they all loved the cake it was beautiful and delicious. Thank you Geetha!

Divya's Orders

Divya ordered a customised tooth chocolate cake and red velvets cupcakes for her brother's 30th birthday celebration. She said the cakes were beautiful and yummy too. Thank you Divya!

Thela's Order

Thela ordered a chocolate cake with badminton theme for her son's birthday celebration. Thank you Thela!

Sneha's Order

Sneha ordered an eggless vanilla chocolate chips cake for a baby naming ceremony. Thank you Sneha!

Ranjitha's Order

Ranjitha is back from India and ordered our chocolate and red velvet cupcakes. Thank you Ranjitha for the ongoing support!

Sanch's Order

Sanch ordered 12 customised edible images chocolate lava cupcakes for Sabrina. Thank you Sanch!